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Institute of Astronomy - Public


Community Group Visits

We welcome evening visits from community groups to the Institute of Astronomy during the winter season. This includes groups of brownies, cubs, guides and scouts who are working towards their Astronomy or Stargazer badges. We can provide a talk tailored to the age and interests of the group (and, if brownies/cubs/etc, the badge they are working towards). We can host group visits on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday evening.

There are a couple of options:

  • You can book to join one of our regular Wednesday public open evenings, if you are a small group (fewer than 20 people in total). The evening consists of a half-hour talk, followed by the chance to observe if the weather is clear. Even if cloudy, we'll try to arrange for your group to visit one of our historical telescopes. Entrance is free; however we cannot guarantee that the talk will be tailored to your group's interest and experience. Only one such group can be booked in each week - you can see which dates do not yet have a group booking listed on our current schedule. To arrange this, or to find out more, please use the booking link at the bottom of the page.


  • Alternatively - and this is probably the better option for most groups - we can try to accommodate your visit separately on another evening. This way, we can provide a talk tailored to the age and interests of the group (and, if brownies/cubs/etc, the badge they are working towards). You will visit the oldest telescope on site, and have a stargazing session if the weather is clear - or some other activity if cloudy. We do expect a suitable number of adult helpers to accompany your group to provide leadership and discipline. To book this option please use the booking link at the bottom of the page.

Please note that we can only view the skies through our telescopes if the weather is clear! If it is cloudy, we can offer a talk and information about the skies instead. Unfortunately, we cannot rebook your group for another day if the weather is cloudy. If you would like to organise a school or daytime visit to the Institute, or you have any further questions, please contact us.




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